One of the most important jobs of Congress is to develop, make and monitor laws. New legislation is passed almost every week. Please contact our office to share your thoughts on current legislation that may affect you, your family and your community.

Learn more about the bills sponsored and co-sponsored by Rep. Greg Stanton.

Constituents can view the U.S. House of Representatives' latest votes on and view Roll Call Votes by the U.S Congress. Learn more about legislation of the U.S. Congress and votes in the House and Senate.

Date Question Position Result
6/28/24 On Passage of the Bill in the House
H.R. 8774: Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2025
Nay Passed
6/28/24 On Motion to Recommit: H.R. 8774: Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2025 Yea Failed
6/28/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1081 (Titus) to H.R. 8774: To prohibit funds in the bill from being used to acquire, use, transfer, or sell cluster munitions.
No Failed
6/28/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1080 (Tenney) to H.R. 8774: To prohibit funding to finalize, implement, or enforce the FAR Council's proposed "Federal Acquisition Regulation: Disclosure of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate-Related Financial Risk" rule.
No Agreed to
6/28/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1079 (Tenney) to H.R. 8774: To prohibit funding for Executive Order 14019, relating to Promoting Access to Voting.
No Agreed to
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1076 (Moore) to H.R. 8774: To reduce funding for Defense-Wide RDTE by $4,910,000 to defund DOD climate-change research and increase funding by $4,910,000 for Army RDTE to fund enhancements for Unmanned Ground Vehicles.
No Agreed to
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1075 (Jayapal) to H.R. 8774: To prohibit funds from being used to carry out the unfunded priorities list.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1073 (Greene) to H.R. 8774: To prohibit funding for Ukraine.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1072 (Greene) to H.R. 8774: To require the salary of Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, to be reduced to $1.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1066 (Wilson) to H.R. 8771: To clarify the funding prohibition of taxpayer dollars going to the Assad regime in the bill encompasses taxpayer dollars that are provided both directly and indirectly to the regime.
Aye Agreed to
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1065 (Waltz) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funds from this Act from being used to support the Gaza pier.
No Agreed to
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1064 (Tiffany) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funds from being used to pay any United States contribution to the United Nations or any affiliated agency of the United Nations.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1062 (Tenney) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit federal funds to pay the salary of, reinstate, or reemploy Robert Malley.
No Agreed to
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1061 (Tenney) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funding for Executive Order 14019, relating to Promoting Access to Voting.
No Agreed to
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1059 (Steube) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funds from being provided to the Lebanese Armed Forces.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1058 (Spartz) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funding for the United Nations unless specifically authorized by Congress.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1056 (Perry) to H.R. 8771: To strike International Disaster Assistance funding.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1055 (Ogles) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit the use of funds from being used to administer or enforce National Security Memorandum 20 (National Security Memorandum on Safeguards and Accountability With Respect to Transferred Defense Articles and Defen
No Agreed to
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1052 (Moskowitz) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funds appropriated by this act from being made available for the State Department to cite statistics obtained from the Gaza Health Ministry.
Aye Agreed to
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1051 (Mace) to H.R. 8771: To reduce Migration and Refugee Assistance funding by $500 million and increase International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement funding by $500 million.
No Agreed to
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1050 (Mace) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funds made available by this Act from being obligated, expended, or otherwise made available to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1046 (Hageman) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funding for the International Organization for Migration's activities in the Western Hemisphere.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1045 (Hageman) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funds for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1044 (Greene) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funding for USAID.
No Failed
6/27/24 On the Amendment in the House
H.Amdt. 1043 (Greene) to H.R. 8771: To prohibit funding for Ukraine.
No Failed