Local Arizona leaders said the $18.5 million in new investment into an Arizona water authority authored by Rep. Greg Stanton will make a meaningful difference as their communities work to build more sustainable water systems.
Earlier this week, Stanton shared the news that 10 projects would be funded under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law through the Arizona environmental infrastructure authority he secured last Congress. The authority will ultimately provide $150 million for Arizona water infrastructure projects included in spending plans by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Pascua Yaqui Chairman Peter Yucupicio said receiving an additional $578,000 will help the tribe complete a crucial water pipeline they’d started last year. The tribe had received $900,000 in January 2021 to begin construction of this crucial pipeline, and it was the first project funded under Stanton’s infrastructure authority.
“We want to again thank Congressman Stanton for his tireless efforts to help Tribal communities in Arizona,” Yucupicio said. “This infrastructure funding from the U.S. Army Corps for our water line will help us continue to meet the important water needs of our people here on the Pascua Yaqui Reservation.”
Yavapai-Apache Nation Chairman Jon Huey said Stanton’s work was critical for the tribe to receive $3 million for construction of a new wastewater treatment system for its Middle Verde District.
“As a result of Congressman Stanton’s efforts and his continued advocacy for this program, our Nation was thrilled to hear today that we will receive funding from the Army Corps under this program to help support construction of a long-needed wastewater treatment plant on our Reservation,” Huey said. “With this new modern plant, we will eliminate dependence on an outdated lagoon system and finally be able to capture wastewater from both on and off our Reservation and treat it to a high level, producing reclaimed water that will help conserve the Nation’s precious water supplies and provide a foundation for the Nation’s future economic development.”
Pima County Board of Supervisors Chair Sharon Bronson said the $2.25 million the county received through Stanton’s water authority will be used to install backup generators at its Tres Rios Water Treatment Plant.
“We thank Representative Stanton for his leadership in recognizing the need for the Arizona Environmental Infrastructure program,” she said. “Because of his leadership on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, he was able to sponsor legislation for $150 million in new authorization EI authority exclusively for Arizona.”
Superior Mayor Mila Besich said she was impressed by how quick and diligent Stanton and his team were in helping her town apply for and secure funds for the Queen Creek Restoration Project. The City of Superior was granted $2.25 million.
“When Congressman Stanton created the new $150 million Environmental Infrastructure program for Arizona, he and his staff immediately reached out to our Town to see if we had any needs. He and his staff worked closely with us to identify the Queen Creek Restoration Project. We were very encouraged to learn that he worked diligently with the Army Corps of Engineers to fund this $2.25 million project that will rehabilitate, reclaim and restore the distressed Queen Creek that is one of our most important community assets,” Besich said. “We are grateful for Congressman Stanton’s leadership and support.”
Flagstaff Mayor Paul Deasy expressed his gratitude for Stanton’s efforts to secure two projects for the city: $1.25 million to construct the WF Killip Elementary School Regional Flood Detention basin in Flagstaff and $1.2 million to continue construction of the Flagstaff Downtown Flood Lateral Tunnel. Both projects provide post-fire flood protection.
“We are incredibly grateful for Congressman Stanton’s foresight and support for the new $150 million Environmental Infrastructure program in Arizona. We are very thankful that Flagstaff will receive two of the first 10 EI projects in Arizona and we couldn’t have done it without Congressman Stanton’s determination in fighting for this program,” Deasy said. “These two projects will help mitigate environmental damage due to the post-Museum fire flooding and protect an elementary school from routine flooding that often forces it to close. We commend Congressman Stanton for his leadership in creating and advocating for this program.”
Maricopa Mayor Christian Price said “since Congressman Stanton was elected to Congress, he has been a tremendous advocate for infrastructure projects” and that the creation of this new authority is yet “another example of his ability to deliver important resources and critical infrastructure to Arizona.” Through the authority, Maricopa received $3.5 million for construction of a new water pipeline.
“We are extremely thankful that we were able to secure one of the first projects under this new authorization,” Price said. “The $3.5 million in EI funding from the Army Corps will allow our rapidly growing city to interconnect our water pipeline that will ultimately make it a more efficient and less costly system to operate. We are extremely grateful for Congressman Stanton’s leadership on this and other infrastructure issues.”
Buckeye Mayor Eric Osborn applauded Stanton for recognizing the “important need” for the environmental infrastructure authority program in Arizona. Buckeye received $2.25 million to improve its wastewater treatment plant.
“Because of his leadership in securing this $150 million authorization for Arizona, Buckeye will receive $2.25 million to protect our $40 million wastewater treatment facility from potential flooding and degradation,” Osborn said. “We thank him for his continued support and advocacy for this program.”