The Mohave County Board of Supervisors today unanimously passed a resolution to support a bill introduced by Rep. Greg Stanton to extend justice to Downwinders in lower Mohave and Clark Counties.

The endorsement builds on momentum behind Stanton’s bill, H.R. 612, the Downwinders Parity Act of 2021, which would update the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act (RECA) to include all of Mohave and Clark counties as affected areas, allowing victims of radiation exposure to seek compensation.

Mohave County Supervisor Jean Bishop introduced the resolution, which also backed similar legislation from Rep. Paul Gosar. In March, Bishop joined Stanton at a House Judiciary Committee to testify on the need to bring justice to communities downwind of federal nuclear test sites through RECA.

In a letter to Chairman Buster Johnson, Stanton commended Bishop as an “invaluable partner and champion.” He also underscored the importance of earning the County’s support.

“The Arizona Congressional Delegation—on both sides of the aisle—has fought for years for Mohave County to be included in the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act,” Stanton said. “Getting the Downwinders Parity Act of 2021 across the finish line this year is urgent and requires all-hands-on-deck. Formal support from the Board will give our congressional delegation additional leverage to finally bring an end to the decades-long pursuit of justice for so many of your constituents, neighbors, friends, and families.”

“I’m hopeful that these pending bills from Congressman Gosar and Congressman Stanton will bring some much needed relief, and a turning point in the decades-long pursuit of justice for the ‘Downwinders,’ who have suffered for the sake of our national security for years and years and years since the early 1950s,” Bishop said.

The agenda for today’s public hearing is available here.