ABC 15 

PHOENIX — Lawmakers are looking for solutions to better staff the U.S. Border Patrol and retain agents already serving communities.

This week, Democrat Rep. Greg Stanton and Republican Rep. Juan Ciscomani introduced the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Hiring and Retention Act.

“There has been too much disorder on the southern border, one of the big solutions to that is having well-trained, and experienced border patrol officers,” Stanton said.

The bill would allow the DHS secretary to bypass usually long hiring processes to bring in more agents for understaffed and rural areas.

“We’re giving them flexibility, which they have said, the officers themselves, the border patrol agents that have said we need this,” Stanton said.

It also would open the door for more incentives like retention, recruitment and relocation bonuses, as well as student loan repayment and consideration of higher pay for agents in remote border regions.

“With morale, recruitment, and retention at an all-time low for CBP, it’s crucial that we send a message to Border Patrol that we have their backs,” Ciscomani said. “Whether it’s hiring bonuses or improved benefits, we must prioritize maintaining and bolstering the men and women in green who defend our borders day in and day out.”

The faster hiring process and incentives would be allowed during times of critical staffing needs.