Stanton: 'Help Is On The Way'

Dan Shalin, Patch

March 10, 2021

Patch: Stanton: 'Help Is On The Way'

House Democrats cheered in congress Wednesday when the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan passed 220-211, with all but one Democrat voting for the package and all Republicans voting against the bill.

After signing the bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thanked President Joe Biden and lawmakers in the House and Senatefor their role in passing the legislation.

"Who knows what the future may bring, but nonetheless on this day, we celebrate because we are honoring a promise made to our President and we join with him in promising that help is on the way," Pelosi said, according to CNN.

Among the key features of the plan, according to CNN, are: up to $1,400-per-person stimulus that will go to 90 percent of households, an extension of federal unemployment benefits, expansion of the child tax credit up to $3,600 per child, $350 billion in state and local aid and billions more to help students return to the classroom, assist small businesses hard-hit by the pandemic and for vaccine research, development and distribution.

Additionally, the bill includes a 15-percent increase in food stamp benefits through September, helps low-income households cover rent and provides $8.5 billion to rural hospitals and health care providers.

House Democrats from Arizona took to social media Wednesday afternoon to share their thoughts on the bill.

Rep. Greg Stanton (D-Phoenix -9th) tweeted: "Help is on the way. The American Rescue Plan just passed the House and is headed to Biden's desk."

Stanton also posted a graphic highlighting four main components of the bill: Gets shots in arms; Gets kids safely back to school; Gets people back to work; Puts money in people's pockets.

Just before the vote, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Phoenix-7th) tweeted that he would be "voting today to help Americans get the COVID-19 relief we need and to help get our economy back on track."

Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Tucson-3rd) also tweeted his support for the bill just ahead of the historic vote, writing: "A crisis of this magnitude warrants a bold response, and the American Rescue Plan gets our communities the relief they deserve. I proudly support it."

Rep. David Schweikert (R-Scottsdale-6th) voted against the bill, and articulated his opposition on Twitter earlier Wednesday, writing: "Let's clear up any comparisons being made between the $1.9 trillion spending bill and the The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017: Republicans reduced taxes, increased wages and closed income inequality. Democrats are sending a one-time check, increasing interest rates and crushing hard-working Americans' futures."